Saved Again! Psalm 91:14

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I could have died last night, but the Lord saved me – again! I am in awe of how the Most High God, King of the Universe, watches over His children and delivers them.

We were enjoying a Father’s Day dinner with our son and daughter-in-law. Mid-sentence, a kernel blocked my windpipe while munching on sweet corn, closing off my air supply. I wanted to gasp for air, but that would have sent the food down further. My husband was getting up to do the Heimlich maneuver.

The thought came to me, “Cough!” Even though I had no air, I coughed, and the kernel dislodged. It all happened so quickly – the threat of death, a still small voice, a cough despite my strong urge to gasp in air, and all was back to normal.

That frightening this-could-be-it moment and its quick resolution filled me with overwhelming joy and thanksgiving. This morning I woke up thanking and praising God for another day to live and move and have my being in Him.

Some might say, “Come on, Jude, aren’t you being a little overdramatic?” Well, when your windpipe is completely shut off … not at all.

God’s Readiness To Deliver Us

God is a very present help in our time of need, ready to deliver His beloved. We can see God’s readiness to deliver in Psalm 91:14:

“Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.”

At this point in Psalm 91, the voice changes from the Psalmist to God. We can read or recite verses 1 through 13 from our perspective. Verses 14 through 16 are God’s words in response to one who lives in His shelter, resting in His shadow.

Why He Will Deliver

God tells us why He will deliver His beloved – “because he has loved Me.” This “love” means to long for, be attached to, and delight in.

God says, “I will set him securely on high because he has known My name.” This “knowing” is to know by experience and to have an intimate relationship.

Some might ask, “Isn’t God no respecter of persons? Why does he place these conditions on the one He will deliver and set securely on high?

Any loving parent would indeed be filled with compassion when their child runs crying to them for help. But what if their child instead runs away from them, ignoring them, seeking help from anyone else?

When His Hands Are Tied

How can a loving parent help a child who refuses to show affection for them and ignores their familial relationship? The parent longs to help their child, but their hands are tied due to the child’s willful neglect.

God gave each of us freedom of will. He longs for us to choose to trust Him, run to him in hardships, set our love upon Him, and commune with Him intimately. Although He loves us dearly, He will not force us to respond lovingly.

As for me, He again reminded me of His fragile gift of life. I will praise Him with my whole heart, for He is ever faithful.

And, I’ll try to be more mindful while enjoying a meal with others, refraining from trying to talk and swallow at the same time!

4 thoughts on “Saved Again! Psalm 91:14”

  1. Jennette Garza

    Thank you for this blog .
    I am glad you are still alive and able to share the word with others .
    This one really hits home for me .
    My son in the marines still refuses to communicate with me that Freedom of Will . Breaks my heart but I know God is protecting him and I will pray for him all the days of my life .
    Love you .

    1. A mother’s love, for sure, Jennette! Your prayers for him are powerful. God is honoring your heartfelt prayers and working within his heart.

  2. Pauline Mygrants

    What great deliverance! You listened to the Spirit giving you instruction to do opposite of what would be a normal reflex. That sounds about right! So glad this has a happy ending 🙂

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