According to MyFaithVotes.org, more than 40 million eligible Christian voters fail to vote in presidential elections. An estimated 15 million of these Christians are not even registered. Imagine the impact the church would have on our nation if it fully engaged in the election process. Unfortunately, millions of non-voting Christians do indeed affect our country’s direction. We need to realize that our faith votes, whether we cast a ballot or not.
“Our faith votes, whether we cast a ballot or not.”
“I know full well that politicians will not solve the major crises facing our culture, but an election is a statement of what kind of society we wish to be,” says Mike Huckabee, Honorary National Chairman of My Faith Votes. “We’ll either empower people who understand the need for God and biblical values, or people who believe His word should play second fiddle to the decrees of government bureaucrats.”
“By staying silent, believers are allowing non-believers to decide who will run our government and create our public policies,” says Dr. David Jeremiah, founder of Turning Point.

Many Christians say that they detest politics. Merriam-Webster defines politics as “the art or science of government.” Government is the governing authority responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs.
American Christians can go to the church of their choice because the governing authorities still uphold our first constitutional amendment, which allows the free exercise of religion. How can God’s people say they don’t like politics, which governs every aspect of their lives? Our current political system allows us to worship God as we choose, have freedom of speech, and preserve life, liberty, and property. Declaring a disdain for politics is like saying we can’t stand being allowed to exercise our God-given rights—that are recognized and upheld by our governing authorities.
“How can God’s people say they don’t like politics, which governs every aspect of their lives?”
Many Christians believe that their one vote won’t make any difference, so why bother? What if all Christians maintained this belief and never voted? They would abdicate their responsibility to empower people who would enact and enforce godly policies for our daily living.
Still, others believe it is wrong for a Christian to get involved in governmental affairs. What kind of country would we have if all Christians thought it was wrong to get involved in politics? None of God’s people would be in public office, making policy decisions that reflected a biblical worldview with godly values. I’m thankful that people like Moses, the judges of Israel, King David, the Apostle Paul, and a host of other Bible heroes chose to get involved in politics. We would have quite a different history and lifestyle if God could find no one to take part in governing the affairs of His people.
“We must not take our liberties for granted, but guard them with vigilance and action.”
The deadline to register for the 2024 General Election is October 7th in Florida. Visit RegisterToVoteFlorida.gov for more information. There are many resources online to help Christians learn more about voting with a biblical worldview to impact our nation: MyFaithVotes.org, truthandliberty.net/voting-tools, and christianvoterguide.com, to name a few. Pastors can encourage their people to get involved, without endorsing a specific party or candidate.
As ambassadors for Christ, we can help ensure that we maintain the freedoms and rights we now enjoy. We must not take these liberties for granted, but guard them with vigilance and action. As Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Did God’s people get involved in politics in the Bible? Click Here to find out.

4 thoughts on “To Vote Or Not To Vote”
IF ONLY… 40 million Christians would rise up and take a stand and vote so that the USA can continue to be a free and prosperous nation which allows us to help others all over the world. Satan has blinded their minds so pray we must. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The enemy working through people are taking our freedoms away an imposing laws that contradict God’s holy word.
Yes, Robyn, I’m praying with you!
I thing Abraham Lincoln said it best
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
Thanks for sharing that, Joyce. Amazing insight.