Want a Good Word to Share for Valentine’s Day?

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With all that’s going on in this world, it’s easy to get down. Today was such a day for me until I remembered the Scripture Valentines I posted a few years ago. Now is a very good time to share a good word with others. And what better way to bring a smile to their face than with a valentine card? So here’s the post again, with printable Scripture Valentines:

For the past few years, I’ve passed out scripture valentines I made to anyone I encountered around Valentine’s Day. I can’t tell you how tickled I get with the reactions. I’ve never met anyone who didn’t at least let a small smile emerge. Others couldn’t thank me enough. Even those not familiar with the scriptures are happy to receive a valentine, no matter what it says. For some, I wonder if it’s the only valentine they’ll receive.

There are many free, printable valentines online, and I’d like to add mine to the mix. If you’re so inclined, feel free to print them up, cut them out, hand them to strangers … and enjoy the many reactions. For many who are exposed to so much negativity and criticism in this world every day, it’s comforting and encouraging to receive a gift … with a good word.

Have fun being a light in the darkness to those you encounter … and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Scripture Valentines 1

Scripture Valentines 2

Scripture Valentines 3

Secular Valentines

Scripture Valentines Envelopes

2 thoughts on “Want a Good Word to Share for Valentine’s Day?”

  1. Thanks Judy! Printed them and got them in the mail to my grandchildren (8 out of 9 of them), the youngest is a baby.
    [can’t read] 🙂
    Love, Holly Hill

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